Today was the first day of preschool and kindergarten for my little daycare tikes. They were full of excitement as they greeted me first thing in the morning. I got to check out how awesome their new backpacks, lunch boxes, outfits, and haircuts were. Everyone had a story to tell and one little boy in particular was so excited to be in Mrs. Larson's class he just couldn't talk about anything else. When I told Pam ((Mrs. Larson)) about it she said, "oh he's been excited for the last 7 months!" I love how excited they all are about going to school.
Since today was the first day and the daycare I work at is pretty much a part of the school, I had the honors of taking those in morning kindergarten and preschool over to the chapel for the opening festivities. It made my heart smile to have two little hands holding mine while another four year old yammered on and on about how awesome it was going to be. I made sure they had their right name tags, helped them put it on, and than walked them into the church to find their seats. I almost didn't want to leave them. On the trot back to the daycare I thought, "I can't wait to have one of my own to walk to his or her first day of school." Although I'm probably years away from it, today made me realize how much I love the thought of having a kid, Every. Single. Day.