Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Starting Over

At 25, I'm starting over. Well starting from scratch is more like it. Friday was my last day as a news producer and on Monday I started my job search. Well, that's not entirely true. My job search started weeks before when I put in my notice. Monday I started whoring myself out there, and I mean that in the best way. I took my resumes, my smile, and a positive attitude and starting walking into places asking if they were hiring and if I could drop off my resume. Five hours later, I was pooped but felt amazing. Welcome to day two.

Day two was more of the same, but with even better results. I met someone with the same Kate Spade glasses frames ((love her!)) and someone who shares my love of shelter dogs. ((Awesome!)) So that's what this little blog is all about. I'm chronically my new found life of being unemployed and searching for the positive side of life, even on a rainy day in Spokane.

Now, this isn't to say I have nothing going for me. On the contrary, I'm half way through my Master's degree in Public Administration, dog mom to two wonderful puparoos, lovely daughter to two wonderful parents, cousin, sister, and niece to tons of family and so much more that you'll soon discover as we get to know each other. I'm also no stranger to the blog world. I started a blog more than a year a half ago. For all of you pet parents out there check us out here. I hope to brighten someone's day everyday, and at the very least for everyone who's wanted to walk away from their job but never would, you can live vicariously through me. Ah to be young, right? So let's go!

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