My dream job is to get paid for what I'm doing right now. I would love to be a professional blogger getting money for typing up stories about my life and my dogs. How awesome would it be to work from home, or from Starbucks, and take pictures, tweet, post to Facebook, and run a website about YOU!?! Sounds a little self-centered in writing but still pretty darn cool. I'm hoping at least one day I'll have more than just my fam reading to check in on how I'm doing out here in Washington. I have a feeling the day I move back home will be the day my page views drop like a rock. But just like everything I do, there would still be something that would go wrong and that's what makes for a good blog post anyway right?
Take moments ago for example. I was pre-thinking tomorrow's dog blog and decided to write about Mister's snazy new coat. So what do I need for said blog? A staged pick of the little dude in it of course! This requires a treat, extra lighting in the apartment, and Missy locked in her crate. A lot of work for a two second pic but I'm thinking I'll probably need more than one, different angles, find a cute face, that sort of thing. As I click the first pic the camera battery goes dead. Well that ends tonight's pre-blog prep. But it made me think how much I really do love this sort of thing. I was thinking about how I'd tweet the pick and then blog the pic and tomorrow I'd Facebook post the link of the blog with the pic. And hey, maybe this might get me new followers and the Missaroo new likes and up my Klout! ((I prob lost half of you at tweet)) Wow, total nerd alert. What can I say, I love social media. Every. Single. Day.
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