Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cleanliness is Godliness

Nothing is more relaxing to me than a clean apartment. OK, maybe that's not true. Nothing I don't have to pay for makes me more relaxed than a clean apartment. When my apartment is a mess or dirty, I actually can't function. Sometimes I will have so much to do, but the first thing will be to clean. It helps me get my brain in order. I also really, really enjoy sitting in my clean apartment and watching TV.

Sometimes when I would have a bad day at work ((OK again, lies, more like every day after work)) I would take my frustration out on my kitchen sinks. My poor, poor kitchen sinks! I've also been known to take a tough day out on my floors. My mom is similar in some regard, but she just likes things clean and breaks her neck to get everything spotless. I actually enjoy the cleaning process. It's a bit therapeutic for me.

I've been taking a little bit of a break from the OCD cleaning lately, mostly because I've been taking that frustration to the gym instead of the sink. But yesterday, I started tearing through my apartment at full speed and it felt pretty darn good. Of course, with two dogs it wasn't long until there was a nose print on the sliding glass door and dog hair on the couch. But lucky for them, it's A OK because I love to clean. Every. Single. Day.

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