Monday, April 11, 2011


There are sooo many things I loved about going back to the Tri-Cities for the wedding, it was hard to pick just one to write about. I decided in the end to write about what meant the most to me.

For those of you who don't know, from July 2009 through the end of August that year, I lived with a family who took me in from church. My contract was up and I was waiting to hear about a job in Spokane. For a few months I was in limbo. I put everything I owned in storage except for my clothes and Missy and moved in with the Sims family.

Suzanne Sims happens to be one of the most generous people on the planet for taking in a nearly homeless 20 something 2,000 miles from home and her silly dog. It was great to see her so happy at the wedding. She certainly deserves it. It was just as great to see her three wonderful kids. I can't really explain how her kids changed my life, but they certainly made me a better person. I could relate to what they were going through at the time, but I don't think I helped them the way that I should have. I know watching them helped me put into words how I felt during a similar struggle in my own life. I wish I could say I really helped those kids, or that I really meant something to them, but I kinda blew my chance. What I can tell you is I think those three happen to be the best kids on the planet and there isn't a whole lot I wouldn't do for them.

At one point in the night the bridal party was suppose to hit the dance floor together. All three of the kids were in the wedding party so I was trying to get them up there. Before I knew it I was holding a can of Sprite, a McDonald's cub, a sucker, and a bag of candy. I started to laugh. All of a sudden it was like I never moved out! They have no idea how happy it made me to be the person they entrusted with their pop and candy. I love those kids. Every. Single. Day.

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