Thursday, April 7, 2011

Senior Moments

I was given the most wonderful opportunity this afternoon to have lunch with a group of senior citizens from church. As part of my Lutheran volunteer form, I marked that I was interested in elderly assistance. The president of the Senior Luncheon group happens to be the same man who sits in front of me in church so he invited me to today's event. It was great to have a wonderful meal and great fellowship at the church. Everyone there has such a wonderful, positive attitude it was hard not to want to be a part of their group, no matter what age you truly are. It was also super cool to pray out loud before and after the meal!

I had the chance to talk with a handful of them personally, and introduce myself to all of them. I was even asked a few questions. The very first question someone asked me was why help them? The answer is pretty simple. Here's what I told her: When I first moved to the Tri-Cities three and a half years ago, it was the older folks in the church who took me in and became my family. It was not people my own age who reached out, it was those who had kids my own age or older. I saw this opportunity of unemployment as my chance to give back.

I've been invited back to meet with them in a few weeks, Maunday Thursday, at the Perry Street Cafe here on Spokane's South Hill. I can't wait to visit with them again. I love the old folks. Every. Single. Day.

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