Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm a Good Cooker

When my brother was about four, he use to tell my mom she was a good cooker if he liked a meal she made. It was pretty darn smart for a four-year-old, but soon became the running joke in the family. Mostly, because my mom doesn't really cook all that much. We use to tease her when we sat at the table and ate McDonald's off paper plates that she was a good cooker. She always took it in good humor and always said thank you.

Now as a 25-year-old woman, I'm trying to learn to cook for the first time. My mom always steered me away from all things domestic as a kid. She didn't want me to grow up thinking my place was in the kitchen. Mission accomplished Mom! But now I would like to learn. The other day I tried a new "recipe" for chicken breast. Normally I just follow the instructions on the Shake n' Bake box. It turned out amazing and I felt really proud of myself! All I did was dump a jar of pasta sauce into a ziplock bag and then throw in the chicken for a day, then bake! In fact, when I called my mom to ask how long I should throw in the chicken and how high to heat the oven she told me I should know by now to direct those kind of phone calls to my Aunt Kathy, the real cook in the family. We decided not to bother her and follow the cooking instructions on the Shake n' Bake box instead.

The apple might not fall to far from the tree but I love trying to become a good cooker. Every. Single. Day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, cuz, I had no idea you had a blog. You are a great writer and I look forward to reading more posts. Also, I in the past 2 years (now that I'm a wife), have also wanted to learn how to cook and I've taught myself how to. I'll email you some, good, but simple recipes later this week.
