Thursday, April 14, 2011

Laugh Out Loud

There are many people in my grad program that I really enjoy talking to. I'm fascinated to learn about how other people ended up sitting in the same seats as me. This quarter my tablemate is John. He works with at risk youth through a non-profit. He's also a very real, down to earth person and I enjoy our conversations.

Anyway, yesterday I pulled out my camera and showed him a picture of my dogs since nobody believes me that my Shepard mix and Chihuahua mix look exactly alike. He started telling me about his cat and about how his dad named the cat he had growing up, are you ready for this?, Poopy! I had just taken a big sip of my hot chocolate and I came so close to spitting it out all over. Instead, I was able to hold it in but started crying. I'm not even sure why. I think maybe because I didn't expect it, especially the way he was telling the story. It just seemed to come out of no where.

And that is so me. I love to laugh. It's not something I've done a lot of in the last few years. But recently, I've been laughing so hard I cry, I mean tears streaming down my face. I think the ability to laugh at yourself and laugh in general shows the size of a person's heart. I know I've always been attracted to men with great laughs. The last guy I dated probably has the best laugh of all time.

Laughter is the best medicine after all. I love to laugh out loud ((not just type it)) Every. Single. Day.

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