Friday, April 8, 2011

Scary Stuff

I'm in the middle of a tiny cancer scare, not that the type of cancer would be tiny but rather my chances of contracting it are tiny. About this time last year, I found out I have low grade pre-cancerous cells. I don't want to go into a whole lot of details, but basically I'm at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer than your average babe. I need two clean tests in a row to be officially off the cancer track. I got one great test six months ago, and then yesterday the doctor called. She told me abnormal cells where found again and I need to come back in for another test. Then no matter what, I'm back to square one and I need another two tests six months apart to be done with this.

The cancer itself could still be years away, or never come at all. It's just kind of a wait and see thing right now. There isn't anything I can do to prevent it, other than the usual take good care of myself stuff. BUT no matter what the next test shows, I do know right now, right this very second I'm cancer free. It's the only reality I want to deal with, and other than the moments when I'm actually at the doctor's office or talking to the doctor, I don't think about it, minus this blog post of course.

When I do have to think about it, I try to think about it like this: We ALL are at risk of getting cancer. It's one of those scary things. My chances might be slightly higher for a particular kind, but even that isn't like freak out rare. So today, I love LOVE LOVE the fact that I don't have cancer. And I pray for those who do. Every. Single. Day.

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