Monday, April 25, 2011

What a Wonderful World

I have been seriously blog slacking lately! And it's not for lack of things to write about either, I've just been either busy or not feeling like sitting in front of my computer.BUT I also think that's a wonderful sign that I'm not depressed or down. If I were, I would be spending a lot more time in front of my computer!

Sooo... today is the one month mark since my last day at work. I still don't have too much going on the job front. I've been on three interviews, personally handed out a dozen resumes, and applied online for tons more. I've been going to the gym about five or six times a week. I'm super sad my free monthly pass is coming to an end in five days. I've been doing really well in school and I'm excited for the summer quarter already. I've also spent a ton of time with the puparoos, watching some TV, reading for fun, and smiling! ((it's the best.))

I've also started to notice that my appearance is changing. I'm definitely more solid from working out, but that's not all. My skin and hair looks soooo much better. It really is amazing what sleep and lack of stress can do for your entire head! I think the smiling thing is helping too.

But this month hasn't gone by without a few downs. I've been rejected from more jobs this month than probably in my entire life. I found out my little buddy Mister needs surgery. And I'm running out of money, FAST. What keeps me going, on what might seem like a crazy journey, is the inner happiness I have that comes from knowing God will provide. It was a leap of faith to leave the only world I've ever know behind, but as I told one of my TC church fam members a few weeks ago, if God can get me to Kennewick, Washington he can get me home. I love this wonderful world. Every. Single. Day.

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