When I was a kid I hated having to sell things for school Whether it was gift wrap or girl scout cookies I wanted it to magically just happen without me having to ask people for money. To this day that's something I'm still not comfortable with. Even working at retail and now as a server, I make sure people know what it is they are paying for. I don't want anyone to feel ripped off or obligated to buy. But there was one fundraiser I didn't mind selling to my mom and that was the red ribbons from MADD.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving has been a cause that has been near and dear to my heart most of my life. With Thanksgiving less than a week away I thought this would be a good time to sell virtual red ribbons from MADD. This time I'm not asking for money, all you have to do is buy into the concept of designated driving. Call a cab, call a friend, or heck just don't drink at all. I know I enjoy me some sparkling grape juice on New Year's. Why is this so important to me? Because I love being alive. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Social Media Guru
My dream job is to get paid for what I'm doing right now. I would love to be a professional blogger getting money for typing up stories about my life and my dogs. How awesome would it be to work from home, or from Starbucks, and take pictures, tweet, post to Facebook, and run a website about YOU!?! Sounds a little self-centered in writing but still pretty darn cool. I'm hoping at least one day I'll have more than just my fam reading to check in on how I'm doing out here in Washington. I have a feeling the day I move back home will be the day my page views drop like a rock. But just like everything I do, there would still be something that would go wrong and that's what makes for a good blog post anyway right?
Take moments ago for example. I was pre-thinking tomorrow's dog blog and decided to write about Mister's snazy new coat. So what do I need for said blog? A staged pick of the little dude in it of course! This requires a treat, extra lighting in the apartment, and Missy locked in her crate. A lot of work for a two second pic but I'm thinking I'll probably need more than one, different angles, find a cute face, that sort of thing. As I click the first pic the camera battery goes dead. Well that ends tonight's pre-blog prep. But it made me think how much I really do love this sort of thing. I was thinking about how I'd tweet the pick and then blog the pic and tomorrow I'd Facebook post the link of the blog with the pic. And hey, maybe this might get me new followers and the Missaroo new likes and up my Klout! ((I prob lost half of you at tweet)) Wow, total nerd alert. What can I say, I love social media. Every. Single. Day.
Take moments ago for example. I was pre-thinking tomorrow's dog blog and decided to write about Mister's snazy new coat. So what do I need for said blog? A staged pick of the little dude in it of course! This requires a treat, extra lighting in the apartment, and Missy locked in her crate. A lot of work for a two second pic but I'm thinking I'll probably need more than one, different angles, find a cute face, that sort of thing. As I click the first pic the camera battery goes dead. Well that ends tonight's pre-blog prep. But it made me think how much I really do love this sort of thing. I was thinking about how I'd tweet the pick and then blog the pic and tomorrow I'd Facebook post the link of the blog with the pic. And hey, maybe this might get me new followers and the Missaroo new likes and up my Klout! ((I prob lost half of you at tweet)) Wow, total nerd alert. What can I say, I love social media. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Book of Awesome
I know it has been FOREVER since I blogged so the pressure is really on to make the next one back AMAZING! Well I went for awesome instead. I have less than 10 days to get my Christmas list into the fam and The Book of Awesome will def be on it..... Here's Why The Book of Awesome Trailer
I love being AWESOME. Every. Single. Day.
I love being AWESOME. Every. Single. Day.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
First Day of School
Today was the first day of preschool and kindergarten for my little daycare tikes. They were full of excitement as they greeted me first thing in the morning. I got to check out how awesome their new backpacks, lunch boxes, outfits, and haircuts were. Everyone had a story to tell and one little boy in particular was so excited to be in Mrs. Larson's class he just couldn't talk about anything else. When I told Pam ((Mrs. Larson)) about it she said, "oh he's been excited for the last 7 months!" I love how excited they all are about going to school.
Since today was the first day and the daycare I work at is pretty much a part of the school, I had the honors of taking those in morning kindergarten and preschool over to the chapel for the opening festivities. It made my heart smile to have two little hands holding mine while another four year old yammered on and on about how awesome it was going to be. I made sure they had their right name tags, helped them put it on, and than walked them into the church to find their seats. I almost didn't want to leave them. On the trot back to the daycare I thought, "I can't wait to have one of my own to walk to his or her first day of school." Although I'm probably years away from it, today made me realize how much I love the thought of having a kid, Every. Single. Day.
Since today was the first day and the daycare I work at is pretty much a part of the school, I had the honors of taking those in morning kindergarten and preschool over to the chapel for the opening festivities. It made my heart smile to have two little hands holding mine while another four year old yammered on and on about how awesome it was going to be. I made sure they had their right name tags, helped them put it on, and than walked them into the church to find their seats. I almost didn't want to leave them. On the trot back to the daycare I thought, "I can't wait to have one of my own to walk to his or her first day of school." Although I'm probably years away from it, today made me realize how much I love the thought of having a kid, Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
An Interesting Turn of Events
I recently learned that one of my former co-workers at KREM is now headed for the big city of Seattle. My immediate reaction was "Good for her! That's awesome!" My second reaction was "there's a producer opening at KREM I never saw coming so soon." Two days after I found out she was leaving I thought about going back.
There are many things I miss about my former life. The money, the amazing insurance package, the clout, the rush of breaking news and severe weather, the competitiveness. But I left for very, very personal reasons so I knew I needed some more time to think it through. What I forgot to do was pray about it.
This morning I went to church and the whole service almost made me cry. Tears formed, but I was able to choke them back. It was all about how we forget to pray things through, we look for others to be our best friends when really all we need is Jesus, and how we start to sink when we take our eyes off Jesus ((ala Simon Peter trying to walk on water)). That's it, I'm staying put.
I hope that the door to news is not shut forever, but right now it might be where I want to be but it is not where God wants me to be. I need to work on my relationship with him. Somewhere along the way of long hours and taking care of the dogs, I took my eyes off Jesus and started to worry about myself, my life, my stuff and forgot to worry about my faith. I left KREM because it was toxic for me there and it might still be. Instead of working on the news, I'll work on my relationship with Jesus. Every. Single. Day.
There are many things I miss about my former life. The money, the amazing insurance package, the clout, the rush of breaking news and severe weather, the competitiveness. But I left for very, very personal reasons so I knew I needed some more time to think it through. What I forgot to do was pray about it.
This morning I went to church and the whole service almost made me cry. Tears formed, but I was able to choke them back. It was all about how we forget to pray things through, we look for others to be our best friends when really all we need is Jesus, and how we start to sink when we take our eyes off Jesus ((ala Simon Peter trying to walk on water)). That's it, I'm staying put.
I hope that the door to news is not shut forever, but right now it might be where I want to be but it is not where God wants me to be. I need to work on my relationship with him. Somewhere along the way of long hours and taking care of the dogs, I took my eyes off Jesus and started to worry about myself, my life, my stuff and forgot to worry about my faith. I left KREM because it was toxic for me there and it might still be. Instead of working on the news, I'll work on my relationship with Jesus. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Grammar Police
A co-worker of mine recently started text messaging me a lot. It was all fun and games until he repeatedly used "your" incorrectly. He thinks "your" can be used in the same way the contraction for "you are" can be. WRONG. Oh my does this bother me to my very core. The first time I tried to subtly tell him he misused the word. The second and third time I told him it annoyed me and he really needed to fix it if he wanted to continue to text me. The fourth time I just about threw the phone across the room. Was he trying to annoy me right over the edge? He actually asked if I was just joking about being annoyed by it. Seriously? I mean seriously? Have we met?
Now I don't like to consider myself the grammar police and I'm sure if you went over this blog you'd find a few mistakes here and there. I don't pretend to be perfect, but I do have respect for the English language. Clearly, this man does not and therefore we have nothing else to discuss. There are many, many things to find sexy about a man, but nothing beats good banter, ambition, wit, and nerdy convos about sentence structure. I was lucky enough to find this combo once, I'm starting to doubt if I ever will again. Where have all the single, sexy, grammatically correct men gone? Wherever they are I miss, love, and cherish them. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Writer's Block
For the first time in my life I have writer's block. So like everything else that happens to me, I decided to blog about it. For a woman who loves words, books, writing, and all things social media this is pretty much a nightmare. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm out of ideas or anything. I have a TON of blog post ideas rolling around in my head, but every time I sit down to write, the words just don't flow from my head to my fingers as easily as they once did.
I think the biggest problem is I went from writing multiple stories a day to blogging maybe once a week. I'm out of practice. Plus, my work life and even most of my home life nowadays doesn't revolve around the computer. I use to read a lot of other blogs more as well. They would kind of be my inspiration. Reading about other people's lovely lives makes me want to write about my own. Where is the love online people!?! OK that might have sounded wrong unintentionally, but you get the idea. So today I ask you, or implore you rather to help me out. I need to feel, live, and read about your lovely lives to help inspire mine, Every. Single. Day.
I think the biggest problem is I went from writing multiple stories a day to blogging maybe once a week. I'm out of practice. Plus, my work life and even most of my home life nowadays doesn't revolve around the computer. I use to read a lot of other blogs more as well. They would kind of be my inspiration. Reading about other people's lovely lives makes me want to write about my own. Where is the love online people!?! OK that might have sounded wrong unintentionally, but you get the idea. So today I ask you, or implore you rather to help me out. I need to feel, live, and read about your lovely lives to help inspire mine, Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Half of Me
My dad turned the big 58 yesterday. It's hard to believe in just a few years my pops will be 60. I try not to blog about my parents too much because they don't really get the whole blogging thing, and they often times confuse my blog posts with Facebook posts. They really, really don't get social media. Which of course, is too bad because I am in love with it. Anyway, I thought I could at least take the time to write about them once a year. This time it's my dad's turn.
I like to think I have the best qualities of both of my parents. There is no doubt I am my mother and father's child. I have my mom's good looks and her way of seeing the world. I have more of her common sense and personality overall. What I get from my dad is a yearning to learn. My dad loves to read and is always learning new things about this wonderful world. It was my dad who helped me for hours with my homework every night because I didn't just want to turn something in, I wanted to find the right answers.
I also get a lot of my interests from my dad. We love sports and could spend hours every weekend watching the White Sox, Bulls, NASCAR, Tennis, even bowling. ((OK I fall asleep during bowling, but still). My mom and brother are a couple of lookieloos but my dad and I go places for a reason. We're more straight and focused than wanderers.
More importantly, my faith is founded on the principles my dad taught me. Dad took us to church every Sunday, and for me that is still very much a part of my weekly routine. Dad taught us to never take what wasn't ours, never cheat or cut in line, and that Jesus died and rose again for our sins. I've read the Bible through twice now and I'm about to start again because my goal is to read it more times than my dad.
So for my dad's birthday I sent a card, called him to wish him a happy birthday, and publicly thanked him for being a good role model. I love my dad. Every. Single. Day.
I like to think I have the best qualities of both of my parents. There is no doubt I am my mother and father's child. I have my mom's good looks and her way of seeing the world. I have more of her common sense and personality overall. What I get from my dad is a yearning to learn. My dad loves to read and is always learning new things about this wonderful world. It was my dad who helped me for hours with my homework every night because I didn't just want to turn something in, I wanted to find the right answers.
I also get a lot of my interests from my dad. We love sports and could spend hours every weekend watching the White Sox, Bulls, NASCAR, Tennis, even bowling. ((OK I fall asleep during bowling, but still). My mom and brother are a couple of lookieloos but my dad and I go places for a reason. We're more straight and focused than wanderers.
More importantly, my faith is founded on the principles my dad taught me. Dad took us to church every Sunday, and for me that is still very much a part of my weekly routine. Dad taught us to never take what wasn't ours, never cheat or cut in line, and that Jesus died and rose again for our sins. I've read the Bible through twice now and I'm about to start again because my goal is to read it more times than my dad.
So for my dad's birthday I sent a card, called him to wish him a happy birthday, and publicly thanked him for being a good role model. I love my dad. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Kicking Butt
My fitness quest is still on track and I'm loving every sweaty moment at the gym. I've gained four pounds since I started working out with the my trainer about 6 weeks ago! For me, that is a ton of weight. It took me four years to gain six pounds in high school. Then as a freshman in college, I gained three over the course of several months. I've been losing or maintaining weight ever since. I am happy to report I can now give blood and I'm well on my way to my fitness goals. I still have about 7 more pounds I would like to gain, but the most important thing is I feel much better about my physical appearance.
Every couple of weeks I meet with my awesome trainer Sarah. She's friendly, nice, smart, and all about pushing me in all the right ways. She challenges me without giving me anything that's so hard I want to quit, although I sometimes feel like I'm about to fall over. I can make it through my workout routine in a pretty timely manner as well which also helps. She even checks up on me in between sessions by checking the log books. She knows if I'm actually at the gym or not. And believe me I'm there! I try to go at least every other day, sometimes more. I feel so good about myself physically and mentally. I've been struggling with my self-esteem for quite sometime, especially when it comes to the looks department. Going to the gym has helped to give me some of my confidence back. I still have a long way to go, but I love trying to get there. Every. Single. Day.
Every couple of weeks I meet with my awesome trainer Sarah. She's friendly, nice, smart, and all about pushing me in all the right ways. She challenges me without giving me anything that's so hard I want to quit, although I sometimes feel like I'm about to fall over. I can make it through my workout routine in a pretty timely manner as well which also helps. She even checks up on me in between sessions by checking the log books. She knows if I'm actually at the gym or not. And believe me I'm there! I try to go at least every other day, sometimes more. I feel so good about myself physically and mentally. I've been struggling with my self-esteem for quite sometime, especially when it comes to the looks department. Going to the gym has helped to give me some of my confidence back. I still have a long way to go, but I love trying to get there. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Best Part of the Day
I love early mornings when I don't actually have to be up early. No matter what time my schedule says I have to be at work, my two lovely pups, Mister and Missy, have to go to the bathroom around 5:30 every morning. Some days that means by the time we get back and they get fed I only have a few minutes before my alarm is going to go off. On Saturdays, however, that is rarely the case. I don't have to be into work until the afternoon if not the evening on the weekends.
On Saturdays like this one, the thought of not having to get up early makes me want to get up early, although I don't usually stay up. Instead we do the dog routine and at the very least Missy and I head for the couch for an hour long nap. Sometimes Mister joins us to. I love watching the sun rise higher in the sky while I snuggle with my pup. It reminds me that all the other things don't really matter as much. I have what I need. I forget that A LOT! ((you already know that if you've read the last post)) No matter what has happened the Lord has still provided for me and that has allowed me to provide for my beautiful dogs. It just takes a lazy early morning to remind me I guess. I love those early morning lazy moments. Every. Single. Day.
On Saturdays like this one, the thought of not having to get up early makes me want to get up early, although I don't usually stay up. Instead we do the dog routine and at the very least Missy and I head for the couch for an hour long nap. Sometimes Mister joins us to. I love watching the sun rise higher in the sky while I snuggle with my pup. It reminds me that all the other things don't really matter as much. I have what I need. I forget that A LOT! ((you already know that if you've read the last post)) No matter what has happened the Lord has still provided for me and that has allowed me to provide for my beautiful dogs. It just takes a lazy early morning to remind me I guess. I love those early morning lazy moments. Every. Single. Day.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
26 and Counting
I've been avoiding this particular post like the plague, but it's time to have the talk. On June 10th I turned 26. I always look back on my journey and go over the life to do list. Long story short it hit me like a ton of bricks this is not where I thought I would be and it's not where I want to be either. Gulp. The bottom line is I'm 26, broke, and holding on to the thought that I have an IRA like that some how proves I use to be something, use to be. Again tough to swallow.
The other day I was sweeping the restaurant when I overheard two men talking about utilizing social media to gain more readers for a pacific northwest magazine. A thought popped into my head, I should be sitting at that table, not sweeping underneath it. It hurt my heart.
I also know in my heart I had to walk away from KREM, but my head still doesn't know that. I've always defined myself as news producer, career woman, independent. Now, at 26 none of those words describe me. I turned my own world upside down, I did this, but I still struggle with the aftermath. My mom tells me to remember that this is only temporary, my current situation, but walking away from KREM is irreversible. "What have I done?", I lay in bed thinking. The free fall fun is over. Reality is back and I'm not sure what to do about it. I still enjoy going to work everyday. I love spending time with my dogs. I love going to church, volunteering and being happy. BUT. There's a but. Can I ever have it all? All of those things plus a career I'm proud of? Will I ever have that again? The truth comes out.
I wanted to keep this blog the happy blog, the positive blog BUT I had to write the truth too. The truth will set you free the Bible tells us so I had to be honest with all of you. It helps me remember to be honest with myself. I love you all. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Best Wedding Ever!
I've been to three weddings in the past nine months and I have to say this one was hands down the best! In fact, it's the best wedding I've ever been to, cake car accident and all. The ceremony was a traditional Catholic service at a beautiful parish. The priest gave a mini sermon dedicated to the couple that was heartfelt, cheery, and funny. Three words I would also used to describe the bride. There aren't a whole lot of people on the planet that make me laugh harder than Denise, and I sure don't have a better friend in this world. She also couldn't have looked any more beautiful and the groom had on the shiniest shoes I've ever seen on a man! The wedding was so beautiful I even cried a little and my face sure hurt from smiling.
The reception was equally as wonderful. Great food, plenty of booze, and lots of laughs with my other great friend Brian. We haven't seen each other in years but as soon as he pulled up it was like no time had passed at all. We laughed a lot, drank a lot, and danced a little. We took our three amigos pictures like always and enjoyed catching up. I might have left the business the three of us love so much, but I could never leave them. What can I say? I love my old friend and beautiful bride, Mrs. Denise Nelson. Every. Single. Day.
The reception was equally as wonderful. Great food, plenty of booze, and lots of laughs with my other great friend Brian. We haven't seen each other in years but as soon as he pulled up it was like no time had passed at all. We laughed a lot, drank a lot, and danced a little. We took our three amigos pictures like always and enjoyed catching up. I might have left the business the three of us love so much, but I could never leave them. What can I say? I love my old friend and beautiful bride, Mrs. Denise Nelson. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Adventures in Traveling
One of my best friends from college is getting married this weekend so I'm flying into Chicago. Right now I'm blogging from Denver International Airport. The best part about this wedding is not only do I get to see one of my favorite people, I also get to see my family. I haven't been home for Father's Day in four years so the timing couldn't be better!
I've been lucky (knock on wood with one flight to go) I've had pretty smooth travels just about every time I've gone home. Last time I went home it was a bit of a nightmare getting off the ground, but six hours late is better than dead. That's another blog post for another day. This time the worst thing that's happened so far is Southwest's Wi-Fi wasn't so Wi-Fi after all. Good thing the airport is.
I truly love when my connecting flight is in Denver. It's my favorite airport with Sea-Tac a close second. But unlike Sea-Tac, Denver marks the halfway point of my travels. It also has this great little bakery that I always stop at to get a tuna sandwich. Then I chow down and steal the Internet. So far, I've found that I really enjoy traveling in general. I carry on my luggage and navigate my way through airports as though I might actually know what I'm doing. I wish I could actually spend sometime in Denver or anywhere else for that matter. Once I graduate, I want to take some time to travel more. My real dream is to go on the Amazing Race with my mom. We'd be hilarious. But for now, I'm loving the fact that I'm on my way home, and wish I could spend every single day with my mom.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Too Cool for School
I think if I had a running theme for this year of my life it would be "always learning." I've learned a lot about myself and a lot at school, but now these two new jobs have taught me a lot also. For instance, this weekend I had to attend First Aid/CPR for infants, children, and adults. Cool! It was so neat. Our instructor was waaay over qualified to teach us CPR and first aid. We learned about real life scenarios and it helped put everything in perspective. And the best part is work paid for it. Now I can add CPR certified to the list of things to describe myself. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
I also have a food handler's permit and I took a blood borne pathogens class. I still need to take a class on HIV/Aids though. Even though some of those might not sound so cool, I think it's fun to learn new things. I've always enjoyed being a student and this gives me hope that I really can be a life long student even after I've completed my Master's Degree and I don't have to travel the world to do it! ((Although that would be nice)) I've learned so much just by taking advantage of every opportunity given to me. I love to learn. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Happy Memorial Day
For the first time since I started this blog, I want to post about something other than myself. Normally I fill the page with random stories about my life, my thoughts, and oh yeah all of my loves! Today, not so much.
On Memorial Day I not only remember those who have served, who do serve, and will serve our country. Today is also about the freedoms we all share thanks to those men and women. We are oh so lucky to live in a land of freedom. People have literally shed their blood, sweat, and tears for strangers. The Bible tells us has no more love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. True love. True love of country, freedom, and human. It hurts my heart we only have a few days out of the entire year to remember and celebrate our soldiers and our country. So I ask everyone to continue to pray for our service men and women who love us so much. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Have you noticed that of all the things I've blogged about loving so far almost none of these posts have anything to do with stuff? The closest I think I come really is when I talk about going to the salon. Still, the ultimate point of that is the feeling I get when I'm at the salon more so than the end result. So why is it that other people have such a hard time excepting the fact that stuff to me is just that?
I was able to build a pretty good career for myself for nearly three years. With that, came stuff. I have a really nice apartment, some bits and pieces of furniture, a bike, and a 14 year old car. Sure, I'm not living in luxury by any stretch of the imagination but I was able to take care of myself. That included regular manicures, expensive makeup, and days at the salon. I haven't had a manicure since I quit my job and I'm probably going to have skip the new highlights I've been sporting for a few months now. I'm also going to have to switch to drugstore makeup. Ouch! Oh well. I've also started selling a few things here and there, mostly for gas money. Now I'm still struggling a bit financially so I might start selling more things. So what? It's just stuff. I like my things, but I don't LOVE them. And this new found life of mine is all about love not like.
What I do love more than anything in my life is God, my family, and my dogs. Missy and Mister are my world and without them, well I don't really have anything. They pretty much are my family here in Washington and they will continue to be my family always. I can't blog about that enough. So I just want to make it clear I love not being attached to stuff. Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fab Friends
Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my two lovely dogs, but sometimes you just need a gal pal to hit up places with. For me, that fab friend is none other than Danielle. We both work together and live in the same apartment complex. She just recently moved to Spokane from sunny California and she's ready to take on this new adventure life has thrown her way. Funny, me too!
Our new found friendship is still just that, new, but so far, so good. We like to walk to and from work together and compare notes on how things are going. We also found out we like going to the bar for trivia night. Our team came in fourth! We've tried to meet for coffee but our schedules haven't always meshed, but still I'm hopeful. I think she is great. Totally positive. Totally a go getter. And totally a have fun, t-shirt and jeans can be fabulous kinda gal, just like me.
It's about time I've found a friend in Spokane. It's been almost two months since my only other friend here ditched me, and I'm still not even sure why. Oh well. Out with the old, in with the new. I love hanging out with my new fab friend. Every. Single. Day.
Our new found friendship is still just that, new, but so far, so good. We like to walk to and from work together and compare notes on how things are going. We also found out we like going to the bar for trivia night. Our team came in fourth! We've tried to meet for coffee but our schedules haven't always meshed, but still I'm hopeful. I think she is great. Totally positive. Totally a go getter. And totally a have fun, t-shirt and jeans can be fabulous kinda gal, just like me.
It's about time I've found a friend in Spokane. It's been almost two months since my only other friend here ditched me, and I'm still not even sure why. Oh well. Out with the old, in with the new. I love hanging out with my new fab friend. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
An Offer I Can't Refuse?
Wow! Sorry it's been nearly a week since my last blog post. I hate when I blog slack but I haven't even turned on my computer in days. Which leads me to this latest story.....
It's been two months since I put in my two weeks notice and left the news world behind. I still have no regrets. I love my life in case you haven't noticed :) But a few days ago I received an email from a news consultant I used to work with a few years back. We've always kept in contact and he often tells me I'm one of his favorites. That's always nice to hear from a guy who travels around the country training producers. Anyway, he asked how things were going and was quite surprised when I said I had quit and was now waiting tables. He wrote me back saying that was too bad he had big plans for me. I didn't pursue what that meant.
Then, another email came with those big plans: An executive producer position in Toledo, Ohio. No matter the market size, I would consider that a promotion and it would take me back to the Midwest ((I moved to Washington State from Illinois 4 years ago)). Wow! I didn't see that one coming. I'm flatterer and conflicted.
I haven't had a chance to really get back to him other than to say I'm not ignoring you just busy busing tables and running after 2 year olds. It's worth asking a few questions about, but the biggest question of all is Will this make me happy? Because right now I'm exactly that. And I love being happy. Every. Single. Day.
It's been two months since I put in my two weeks notice and left the news world behind. I still have no regrets. I love my life in case you haven't noticed :) But a few days ago I received an email from a news consultant I used to work with a few years back. We've always kept in contact and he often tells me I'm one of his favorites. That's always nice to hear from a guy who travels around the country training producers. Anyway, he asked how things were going and was quite surprised when I said I had quit and was now waiting tables. He wrote me back saying that was too bad he had big plans for me. I didn't pursue what that meant.
Then, another email came with those big plans: An executive producer position in Toledo, Ohio. No matter the market size, I would consider that a promotion and it would take me back to the Midwest ((I moved to Washington State from Illinois 4 years ago)). Wow! I didn't see that one coming. I'm flatterer and conflicted.
I haven't had a chance to really get back to him other than to say I'm not ignoring you just busy busing tables and running after 2 year olds. It's worth asking a few questions about, but the biggest question of all is Will this make me happy? Because right now I'm exactly that. And I love being happy. Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mommy's Day
My mom is my best friend, and at 25 I've officially become her. Every time I look in the mirror, I can see my mom's reflection looking back. Her little voice of common sense and wisdom annoyingly follows me where ever I go. When I take my makeup off at night and apply my face cream an echo in the room tells me to "lotion, lotion, lotion." Every Pilates and Yoga class I take reminds me of how she use to stretch on the living room floor when I was a kid. Then, I thought she was crazy, now I think she's a genius. And when I left my career behind, I became a waitress, just like mom was for all those years.
There is far more reasons why I love my mom then the fact I inherited her mannerisms, good looks, and some of her common sense. I've been through a lot of tough stuff her in Washington and when I had something really difficult to tell my mom, she reacted with nothing but love. She's been my support and my rock. I can feel her prayers from 2,000 miles away. I wish today I was spending the day sitting in her kitchen talking to her as she wiped down everything in sight or treating her to breakfast and a pedicure. One day I'll make it home for mother's day. Despite the fact that I can't be with her, I still love my mom. Every. Single. Day.
There is far more reasons why I love my mom then the fact I inherited her mannerisms, good looks, and some of her common sense. I've been through a lot of tough stuff her in Washington and when I had something really difficult to tell my mom, she reacted with nothing but love. She's been my support and my rock. I can feel her prayers from 2,000 miles away. I wish today I was spending the day sitting in her kitchen talking to her as she wiped down everything in sight or treating her to breakfast and a pedicure. One day I'll make it home for mother's day. Despite the fact that I can't be with her, I still love my mom. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Tweet, Tweet!
I can't believe I am closing in on my 400th Twitter follower! It all started a few years ago while I was a morning show producer. I used my Twitter account to help promote our upcoming segments, but I'm sure no one ever followed me for that reason. At first it was just a few of my friends, then a few fellow broadcasters all across Washington, and now my followers include the mayor of Spokane, National Hemophilia Federation, KING 5 News in Seattle, more news and sports people, and a whole lot of people I don't even really know. What I do know is, I know them via Twitter and that's just fine by me.
Now all those nearly 400 accounts get doses of inspiration, my thoughts on the Bulls and Whitesox, pet updates, and all my other passions. I even upload pics every once in a while. For those of you who don't follow me, it's probably the best way to keep up with me 24/7 ((if you really care that much)) plus, it's the main way I spread the word about this blog and the dog blog.
Of all the forms of social media I am a part of, I have to say Twitter is def my fav. I almost thought about getting off of Facebook for awhile, and we all know I almost abandoned ship on at least one of my blogs. But when it comes to Twitter, I'm pretty sure I'll be tweeting away until I'm 90. You should have seen me the day I discovered Tweetdeck! Ahhhh! Like a kid on Christmas I was so excited. For me, I treat tweets like headlines in the newspaper. In fact, I think of Twitter like my parents would think of the newspaper. I have my coffee and check the day's news on it. I also use it to put my own news out into the world. I feel like I have something to offer and say to the world, and I use Twitter to do it. Plus, it's like one stop shopping. I can find out what's happening in Spokane, news from everywhere, what's the latest with all of my favorite sports teams, and check on my friends, all in one cup of coffee. For me, there is no better medium to hit up a lot of sources all at once.
What can I say? I love Twitter. Every. Single. Day.
Now all those nearly 400 accounts get doses of inspiration, my thoughts on the Bulls and Whitesox, pet updates, and all my other passions. I even upload pics every once in a while. For those of you who don't follow me, it's probably the best way to keep up with me 24/7 ((if you really care that much)) plus, it's the main way I spread the word about this blog and the dog blog.
Of all the forms of social media I am a part of, I have to say Twitter is def my fav. I almost thought about getting off of Facebook for awhile, and we all know I almost abandoned ship on at least one of my blogs. But when it comes to Twitter, I'm pretty sure I'll be tweeting away until I'm 90. You should have seen me the day I discovered Tweetdeck! Ahhhh! Like a kid on Christmas I was so excited. For me, I treat tweets like headlines in the newspaper. In fact, I think of Twitter like my parents would think of the newspaper. I have my coffee and check the day's news on it. I also use it to put my own news out into the world. I feel like I have something to offer and say to the world, and I use Twitter to do it. Plus, it's like one stop shopping. I can find out what's happening in Spokane, news from everywhere, what's the latest with all of my favorite sports teams, and check on my friends, all in one cup of coffee. For me, there is no better medium to hit up a lot of sources all at once.
What can I say? I love Twitter. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Employed Part Two
So now I have two jobs, funny how life works out huh? Yesterday I interviewed for a part-time daycare position at the early learning center at the church I've been attending. ((I'm hesitant to call it my church because I'm not a member and if any place is my church it's BL in Kennewick)) Sure, I have zero experience working with kids, but you have to gain experience some how right? Plus it doesn't hurt that I'm super Lutheran remember? OK that was a lot of questions... now on to some more statements.
I thought I'd be a good fit there because of my Lutheran education. I attended Lutheran school from K through 8th grade. ((my dad didn't believe in sending us to preschool, but that's another blog for another day)) I am so proud of that education and the opportunity I had to go to religion class everyday that I saw this as my opportunity to give back. I never imagined that I would be working with kids, in fact they've always scared me until recently. Now that I'm 25, kids seem like the next step, but my single status has something to say about that. Hopefully, this will help with that whole ticking clock thing. So in the meantime, I'll love the little kids at the early learning center. Every. Single. Day.
I thought I'd be a good fit there because of my Lutheran education. I attended Lutheran school from K through 8th grade. ((my dad didn't believe in sending us to preschool, but that's another blog for another day)) I am so proud of that education and the opportunity I had to go to religion class everyday that I saw this as my opportunity to give back. I never imagined that I would be working with kids, in fact they've always scared me until recently. Now that I'm 25, kids seem like the next step, but my single status has something to say about that. Hopefully, this will help with that whole ticking clock thing. So in the meantime, I'll love the little kids at the early learning center. Every. Single. Day.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Cleanliness is Godliness
Nothing is more relaxing to me than a clean apartment. OK, maybe that's not true. Nothing I don't have to pay for makes me more relaxed than a clean apartment. When my apartment is a mess or dirty, I actually can't function. Sometimes I will have so much to do, but the first thing will be to clean. It helps me get my brain in order. I also really, really enjoy sitting in my clean apartment and watching TV.
Sometimes when I would have a bad day at work ((OK again, lies, more like every day after work)) I would take my frustration out on my kitchen sinks. My poor, poor kitchen sinks! I've also been known to take a tough day out on my floors. My mom is similar in some regard, but she just likes things clean and breaks her neck to get everything spotless. I actually enjoy the cleaning process. It's a bit therapeutic for me.
I've been taking a little bit of a break from the OCD cleaning lately, mostly because I've been taking that frustration to the gym instead of the sink. But yesterday, I started tearing through my apartment at full speed and it felt pretty darn good. Of course, with two dogs it wasn't long until there was a nose print on the sliding glass door and dog hair on the couch. But lucky for them, it's A OK because I love to clean. Every. Single. Day.
Sometimes when I would have a bad day at work ((OK again, lies, more like every day after work)) I would take my frustration out on my kitchen sinks. My poor, poor kitchen sinks! I've also been known to take a tough day out on my floors. My mom is similar in some regard, but she just likes things clean and breaks her neck to get everything spotless. I actually enjoy the cleaning process. It's a bit therapeutic for me.
I've been taking a little bit of a break from the OCD cleaning lately, mostly because I've been taking that frustration to the gym instead of the sink. But yesterday, I started tearing through my apartment at full speed and it felt pretty darn good. Of course, with two dogs it wasn't long until there was a nose print on the sliding glass door and dog hair on the couch. But lucky for them, it's A OK because I love to clean. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Cheaper Than Therapy
I've decided to continue with the blog. Despite the fact only three people seem to read it, and only two people put in their two cents ((which was a split verdict by the way)) I'm going to forge ahead.
For me, blogging has almost become a form of therapy. It has helped me clear my head, stay accountable and actually come to grips with the life altering decision I made. I even discovered a word for it, burnout. I have burnout. But life in the restaurant biz is so far, so good. Sure I'm only four days into it, but I already know I am totally out of my comfort zone. Today rolling silverware reminded me of failing art at camp in 6th grade. I can't help but laugh at how horrible I am at basic skills. But I've never really needed to work with my hands before, outside of typing. As frustrating as that might be for someone else, Sunday I washed dishes while listening to the radio. What I didn't hear? Suicide calls, domestic violence calls, and nobody called me up to swear at me about what football game was on CBS. Like I told my mom today, it's just food. How pissed can people get? No FBI suspect's dad called me, no grieving parent threatened to sue over comments someone else wrote on a website. In that context, washing dishes felt like the best thing in the world. There was nowhere else I wanted to work.
So I'm going to continue to update my three readers about my new found simple life if for no other reason than I love to blog. Every. Single. Day.
For me, blogging has almost become a form of therapy. It has helped me clear my head, stay accountable and actually come to grips with the life altering decision I made. I even discovered a word for it, burnout. I have burnout. But life in the restaurant biz is so far, so good. Sure I'm only four days into it, but I already know I am totally out of my comfort zone. Today rolling silverware reminded me of failing art at camp in 6th grade. I can't help but laugh at how horrible I am at basic skills. But I've never really needed to work with my hands before, outside of typing. As frustrating as that might be for someone else, Sunday I washed dishes while listening to the radio. What I didn't hear? Suicide calls, domestic violence calls, and nobody called me up to swear at me about what football game was on CBS. Like I told my mom today, it's just food. How pissed can people get? No FBI suspect's dad called me, no grieving parent threatened to sue over comments someone else wrote on a website. In that context, washing dishes felt like the best thing in the world. There was nowhere else I wanted to work.
So I'm going to continue to update my three readers about my new found simple life if for no other reason than I love to blog. Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
22 posts into the unemployment blog and I have a job. I actually didn't think it would take so long to find work, considering I didn't really care what I did as long as it seemed like the people I worked with would like me this time, I could see outside, and they paid me. I've had a blast being unemployed and I think a lot of these loves and adventures will continue. The only difficulty has been the obvious, I'm beyond broke. But that's OK because what I've really learned from my "career years" is that just getting a paycheck isn't enough to keep me at work.
So my new gig is waiting tables at Laguna Cafe on Spokane's South Hill. It's actually right next to my apartment complex so I can continue to walk to work and now I don't even have to cross the street! It's important to save on gas money. I'm only two shifts in but I already really like it. Everyone there seems really nice. It is a pool tip system so it doesn't appear to be overly competitive for no reason either. Already two wonderful attributes missing from my "career."
The only question now is should I continue with the unemployment blog? I've used this forum to stay positive during my job search. I had a few down days, but focusing on the positive allowed me to see those were just days, not a lifetime. So what do you think? Should I continue to find the love in my post career days while I wait tables or has this little blog run its course? Either way I love being employed. Every. Single. Day.
So my new gig is waiting tables at Laguna Cafe on Spokane's South Hill. It's actually right next to my apartment complex so I can continue to walk to work and now I don't even have to cross the street! It's important to save on gas money. I'm only two shifts in but I already really like it. Everyone there seems really nice. It is a pool tip system so it doesn't appear to be overly competitive for no reason either. Already two wonderful attributes missing from my "career."
The only question now is should I continue with the unemployment blog? I've used this forum to stay positive during my job search. I had a few down days, but focusing on the positive allowed me to see those were just days, not a lifetime. So what do you think? Should I continue to find the love in my post career days while I wait tables or has this little blog run its course? Either way I love being employed. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, April 29, 2011
I'm a Good Cooker
When my brother was about four, he use to tell my mom she was a good cooker if he liked a meal she made. It was pretty darn smart for a four-year-old, but soon became the running joke in the family. Mostly, because my mom doesn't really cook all that much. We use to tease her when we sat at the table and ate McDonald's off paper plates that she was a good cooker. She always took it in good humor and always said thank you.
Now as a 25-year-old woman, I'm trying to learn to cook for the first time. My mom always steered me away from all things domestic as a kid. She didn't want me to grow up thinking my place was in the kitchen. Mission accomplished Mom! But now I would like to learn. The other day I tried a new "recipe" for chicken breast. Normally I just follow the instructions on the Shake n' Bake box. It turned out amazing and I felt really proud of myself! All I did was dump a jar of pasta sauce into a ziplock bag and then throw in the chicken for a day, then bake! In fact, when I called my mom to ask how long I should throw in the chicken and how high to heat the oven she told me I should know by now to direct those kind of phone calls to my Aunt Kathy, the real cook in the family. We decided not to bother her and follow the cooking instructions on the Shake n' Bake box instead.
The apple might not fall to far from the tree but I love trying to become a good cooker. Every. Single. Day.
Now as a 25-year-old woman, I'm trying to learn to cook for the first time. My mom always steered me away from all things domestic as a kid. She didn't want me to grow up thinking my place was in the kitchen. Mission accomplished Mom! But now I would like to learn. The other day I tried a new "recipe" for chicken breast. Normally I just follow the instructions on the Shake n' Bake box. It turned out amazing and I felt really proud of myself! All I did was dump a jar of pasta sauce into a ziplock bag and then throw in the chicken for a day, then bake! In fact, when I called my mom to ask how long I should throw in the chicken and how high to heat the oven she told me I should know by now to direct those kind of phone calls to my Aunt Kathy, the real cook in the family. We decided not to bother her and follow the cooking instructions on the Shake n' Bake box instead.
The apple might not fall to far from the tree but I love trying to become a good cooker. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Go Cougs!
I've already written about my first great love, today I want to write about my most recent love, the Washington State University Cougars. I first started to like the Cougs when I lived in Kennewick. My Christmas family is huge Coug fans and they had a huge impact on me. They basically convinced me to cheer for the Cougars anytime they weren't up against the Big Ten. But it wasn't until I moved to Spokane that I fell in love with them.
The love affair started with a guy I dated. He happens to think the Cougs are the greatest team ever invented. It wasn't long after we started dating that everything important to him became important to me, including the Cougs. Even after that was so far gone, I still made my mom drive with me to Pullman to visit the campus on a cold, rainy June day. I wore my favorite Coug sweatshirt and made her take lots of pictures of me and Missy.
The love affair started with a guy I dated. He happens to think the Cougs are the greatest team ever invented. It wasn't long after we started dating that everything important to him became important to me, including the Cougs. Even after that was so far gone, I still made my mom drive with me to Pullman to visit the campus on a cold, rainy June day. I wore my favorite Coug sweatshirt and made her take lots of pictures of me and Missy.
So now I tell people I'm a wannabe Coug. You can't really call me a bandwagoner because the Cougs will pretty much break your heart at every turn.You really do have to love them to stick with them. AND I even rooted for the Cougs over a Big Ten team! It was the first time in my life I'd ever rooted against the Big Ten. If that isn't love I'm not sure what is. I love the Cougars. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, April 25, 2011
What a Wonderful World
I have been seriously blog slacking lately! And it's not for lack of things to write about either, I've just been either busy or not feeling like sitting in front of my computer.BUT I also think that's a wonderful sign that I'm not depressed or down. If I were, I would be spending a lot more time in front of my computer!
Sooo... today is the one month mark since my last day at work. I still don't have too much going on the job front. I've been on three interviews, personally handed out a dozen resumes, and applied online for tons more. I've been going to the gym about five or six times a week. I'm super sad my free monthly pass is coming to an end in five days. I've been doing really well in school and I'm excited for the summer quarter already. I've also spent a ton of time with the puparoos, watching some TV, reading for fun, and smiling! ((it's the best.))
I've also started to notice that my appearance is changing. I'm definitely more solid from working out, but that's not all. My skin and hair looks soooo much better. It really is amazing what sleep and lack of stress can do for your entire head! I think the smiling thing is helping too.
But this month hasn't gone by without a few downs. I've been rejected from more jobs this month than probably in my entire life. I found out my little buddy Mister needs surgery. And I'm running out of money, FAST. What keeps me going, on what might seem like a crazy journey, is the inner happiness I have that comes from knowing God will provide. It was a leap of faith to leave the only world I've ever know behind, but as I told one of my TC church fam members a few weeks ago, if God can get me to Kennewick, Washington he can get me home. I love this wonderful world. Every. Single. Day.
Sooo... today is the one month mark since my last day at work. I still don't have too much going on the job front. I've been on three interviews, personally handed out a dozen resumes, and applied online for tons more. I've been going to the gym about five or six times a week. I'm super sad my free monthly pass is coming to an end in five days. I've been doing really well in school and I'm excited for the summer quarter already. I've also spent a ton of time with the puparoos, watching some TV, reading for fun, and smiling! ((it's the best.))
I've also started to notice that my appearance is changing. I'm definitely more solid from working out, but that's not all. My skin and hair looks soooo much better. It really is amazing what sleep and lack of stress can do for your entire head! I think the smiling thing is helping too.
But this month hasn't gone by without a few downs. I've been rejected from more jobs this month than probably in my entire life. I found out my little buddy Mister needs surgery. And I'm running out of money, FAST. What keeps me going, on what might seem like a crazy journey, is the inner happiness I have that comes from knowing God will provide. It was a leap of faith to leave the only world I've ever know behind, but as I told one of my TC church fam members a few weeks ago, if God can get me to Kennewick, Washington he can get me home. I love this wonderful world. Every. Single. Day.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Nothing beats a day at the salon. Every six weeks on Wednesday I camp out for about three hours while other people work on my up-keep. I wish I woke up looking amazing, but let's face it nobody does. We all rely on our creams, hair products, and stylists to make us look like the amazing women we all are.
This Wednesday's routine felt especially relaxing and I think I know why: No stress! Normally, I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Stress at the job would come home with me every night, mostly because I didn't have anyone to talk to about it in order to de-stress. At the salon, I would be thinking about work from the night before, what I still had left on my to-do list, what I was going to do in the time I had when I got home until I had to go to class. And there were some Wednesdays that I went straight from the salon to school. Yesterday, I didn't feel like I was carrying any of that around.
Ever since I put in my two weeks notices, I've felt such a sense of inner joy and relief. Don't get me wrong, I still dream in triple splits and stingers and wonder why Anderson Cooper opens up his show the way he does and what viewers think about it. But I just know in my heart that I can't work in a place where I'm not liked. I can't function without friends in my life, and when you spend all your time at work it becomes increasingly hard to find people outside of work. I felt trapped. Now I want to go run to the top of a mountain and just yell ahhhhh!!!!!!! Since I can't do that, I'll just love going to the salon. Every. Single. Day.
This Wednesday's routine felt especially relaxing and I think I know why: No stress! Normally, I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Stress at the job would come home with me every night, mostly because I didn't have anyone to talk to about it in order to de-stress. At the salon, I would be thinking about work from the night before, what I still had left on my to-do list, what I was going to do in the time I had when I got home until I had to go to class. And there were some Wednesdays that I went straight from the salon to school. Yesterday, I didn't feel like I was carrying any of that around.
Ever since I put in my two weeks notices, I've felt such a sense of inner joy and relief. Don't get me wrong, I still dream in triple splits and stingers and wonder why Anderson Cooper opens up his show the way he does and what viewers think about it. But I just know in my heart that I can't work in a place where I'm not liked. I can't function without friends in my life, and when you spend all your time at work it becomes increasingly hard to find people outside of work. I felt trapped. Now I want to go run to the top of a mountain and just yell ahhhhh!!!!!!! Since I can't do that, I'll just love going to the salon. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I Heart the Bulls
Some of my earliest childhood memories include staying up late to watch the Chicago Bulls' games. I can remember being 4-years-old and laying down in front of our TV with my head propped up with my fists watching the games until long past my bedtime. My dad would be yelling at Doug Collins for not calling a timeout soon enough or because the Bulls needed a better center. It wasn't until I was five that Phil Jackson and Bill Cartwright came to town. Then the championships began.
Here's the thing about the state of Illinois, when it comes to sports we are divided people. There are just as many Packers fans as Bulls fans, especially north of the city. Down south you'll find St. Louis Rams and Cardinals fans. Not many sports fans are true hockey fans in general, until the home town team wins the Stanley Cup. And of course one of the biggest rivalries around is the crosstown classic, Cubs and White Sox. But when it comes to basketball, I've never met anyone from the state of Illinois who isn't an avid Bulls fans. And after six championships and the best two records in NBA history, how could you be anything other than a Chicago Bulls fan?
For me, the Bulls will always be my first love. The AM radio station that use to wake my dad up in the morning would replay the classic line, "Paxon for three.... YES!!!! Bulls Win! Bulls Win!" Every morning for years I heard that alarm go off and listened for the Paxon line. I was the first person in line every year when the championship t-shirts went on sale and I watched every Grant Park celebration on TV. I still have piles of old magazine clippings and magazines featuring the Bulls and I've been known to bust out the Jordan jersey hanging in my closet every once in a while.
Last night was game two of the NBA playoffs and as I watched my loves take down the Pacers once again, tears came to my eyes. For a moment I almost saw Johnny Pax running down the court to hit a "stop and pop" three. DRose reminds me of Jordan in ways too, the way he can just take over a game down the stretch. And of course Luol Deng reminds me of Pip, the best sidekick in the business. There is a great glimmer of hope that the Bulls will once again bring home a championship to Chicago. Win or lose, I love the Bulls. Every. Single. Day.
Here's the thing about the state of Illinois, when it comes to sports we are divided people. There are just as many Packers fans as Bulls fans, especially north of the city. Down south you'll find St. Louis Rams and Cardinals fans. Not many sports fans are true hockey fans in general, until the home town team wins the Stanley Cup. And of course one of the biggest rivalries around is the crosstown classic, Cubs and White Sox. But when it comes to basketball, I've never met anyone from the state of Illinois who isn't an avid Bulls fans. And after six championships and the best two records in NBA history, how could you be anything other than a Chicago Bulls fan?
For me, the Bulls will always be my first love. The AM radio station that use to wake my dad up in the morning would replay the classic line, "Paxon for three.... YES!!!! Bulls Win! Bulls Win!" Every morning for years I heard that alarm go off and listened for the Paxon line. I was the first person in line every year when the championship t-shirts went on sale and I watched every Grant Park celebration on TV. I still have piles of old magazine clippings and magazines featuring the Bulls and I've been known to bust out the Jordan jersey hanging in my closet every once in a while.
Last night was game two of the NBA playoffs and as I watched my loves take down the Pacers once again, tears came to my eyes. For a moment I almost saw Johnny Pax running down the court to hit a "stop and pop" three. DRose reminds me of Jordan in ways too, the way he can just take over a game down the stretch. And of course Luol Deng reminds me of Pip, the best sidekick in the business. There is a great glimmer of hope that the Bulls will once again bring home a championship to Chicago. Win or lose, I love the Bulls. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Busy Bee
I might be the busiest unemployed person you know! Between going to the gym, interviewing, filling out applications, church, pups, and grad school, I've also started volunteering again. This time I'm helping out at the Spokane Humane Society. I went through volunteer orientation a few weeks ago and now I have a snazzy new t-shirt to add to my collection. The t-shirt makes you a bona fide woof walker volunteer!
My goal is to try and volunteer at least once a week even after I find a new job. So what do I do there? Well I walk doggies who aren't as lucky as my puparoos! It is so sad sometimes to see those dogs in their kennels. It is even more heartbreaking when I just can't get to all of them in a single shift. My heart goes out to their amazing faces and I hope they will find their forever homes in between my visits. But it is great fun to take them out to the playpens and let them run around. They seem so happy to be outside and free. Then I usually take them for a walk before returning them to their temporary homes and grabbing another one. I love feeling like I am making a difference for the animals and hopefully helping them get adopted so they can change a person's life for the better the way Missaroo changed mine.
My heart is truly being called into animal welfare. I even registered for the 2011 No More Homeless Pets Conference this October. I'm hoping my love of animals in need and my Master's in Public Administration will get me to the job of my dreams. But for right now I love volunteering. Every. Single. Day.
My goal is to try and volunteer at least once a week even after I find a new job. So what do I do there? Well I walk doggies who aren't as lucky as my puparoos! It is so sad sometimes to see those dogs in their kennels. It is even more heartbreaking when I just can't get to all of them in a single shift. My heart goes out to their amazing faces and I hope they will find their forever homes in between my visits. But it is great fun to take them out to the playpens and let them run around. They seem so happy to be outside and free. Then I usually take them for a walk before returning them to their temporary homes and grabbing another one. I love feeling like I am making a difference for the animals and hopefully helping them get adopted so they can change a person's life for the better the way Missaroo changed mine.
My heart is truly being called into animal welfare. I even registered for the 2011 No More Homeless Pets Conference this October. I'm hoping my love of animals in need and my Master's in Public Administration will get me to the job of my dreams. But for right now I love volunteering. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Let's Rock
There are many things I've found myself enjoying more now that I seem to be free falling through this world. Lately, I have been just jamming out in my car to whatever catchy song happens to come on the radio. I don't care if I'm at a red light and there are people looking at me from every direction. I'm going to turn up Adele's cover of Rolling in the Deep and sing it at the top of my lungs. ((You did know it's a cover right??)) I mean hair flying, hand banging on the steering wheel, free spirit jam out. Funny, I sound just like her when the radio is turned up loud enough.
Another one of my favs to blast has to be Sara Bareilles' King of Anything. Every guy I ever dated in the Tri-Cities. No seriously. Every. One. By the way I think she looks just like my cousin-in-law Emily. For this one I've even come up with some of my own hand motions. Can you say rock star? OK more like awkward white girl, but I don't care. I think that's the best part. I love jamming out in my car like a free spirit. Every. Single. Day.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Laugh Out Loud
There are many people in my grad program that I really enjoy talking to. I'm fascinated to learn about how other people ended up sitting in the same seats as me. This quarter my tablemate is John. He works with at risk youth through a non-profit. He's also a very real, down to earth person and I enjoy our conversations.
Anyway, yesterday I pulled out my camera and showed him a picture of my dogs since nobody believes me that my Shepard mix and Chihuahua mix look exactly alike. He started telling me about his cat and about how his dad named the cat he had growing up, are you ready for this?, Poopy! I had just taken a big sip of my hot chocolate and I came so close to spitting it out all over. Instead, I was able to hold it in but started crying. I'm not even sure why. I think maybe because I didn't expect it, especially the way he was telling the story. It just seemed to come out of no where.
And that is so me. I love to laugh. It's not something I've done a lot of in the last few years. But recently, I've been laughing so hard I cry, I mean tears streaming down my face. I think the ability to laugh at yourself and laugh in general shows the size of a person's heart. I know I've always been attracted to men with great laughs. The last guy I dated probably has the best laugh of all time.
Laughter is the best medicine after all. I love to laugh out loud ((not just type it)) Every. Single. Day.
Anyway, yesterday I pulled out my camera and showed him a picture of my dogs since nobody believes me that my Shepard mix and Chihuahua mix look exactly alike. He started telling me about his cat and about how his dad named the cat he had growing up, are you ready for this?, Poopy! I had just taken a big sip of my hot chocolate and I came so close to spitting it out all over. Instead, I was able to hold it in but started crying. I'm not even sure why. I think maybe because I didn't expect it, especially the way he was telling the story. It just seemed to come out of no where.
And that is so me. I love to laugh. It's not something I've done a lot of in the last few years. But recently, I've been laughing so hard I cry, I mean tears streaming down my face. I think the ability to laugh at yourself and laugh in general shows the size of a person's heart. I know I've always been attracted to men with great laughs. The last guy I dated probably has the best laugh of all time.
Laughter is the best medicine after all. I love to laugh out loud ((not just type it)) Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Here Comes the Bride
Noooo I am not getting married ((not anytime soon anyway)) but one of my best friends from college is! I can't tell you how excited I was when my invitation arrived in the mail today. Like I screamed and jumped up and down.
Denise and Turner started dating their senior year of college, my junior year. It certainly feels like forever and a day ago, but no matter how much time has past, it still stands as the best year of my life. I can still remember Denise gushing about their first date. Uh! I just cannot wait to see them GET MARRIED!!! Denise is officially the first of my good friends to find herself a hunky husband and tie the knot and I couldn't be happier for her. ((I love love remember?)) What might be one of the best parts about today's opening of the invitation is the wedding will be in Denise's hometown which means I'm booking a flight home! Once a Chicago suburbs kinda gal, always a Chicago suburbs kinda gal.
Today I love love, I love my gal pal and former floosy Denise, and I love the thought of flying home. Every. Single. Day.
Denise and Turner started dating their senior year of college, my junior year. It certainly feels like forever and a day ago, but no matter how much time has past, it still stands as the best year of my life. I can still remember Denise gushing about their first date. Uh! I just cannot wait to see them GET MARRIED!!! Denise is officially the first of my good friends to find herself a hunky husband and tie the knot and I couldn't be happier for her. ((I love love remember?)) What might be one of the best parts about today's opening of the invitation is the wedding will be in Denise's hometown which means I'm booking a flight home! Once a Chicago suburbs kinda gal, always a Chicago suburbs kinda gal.
Today I love love, I love my gal pal and former floosy Denise, and I love the thought of flying home. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, April 11, 2011
There are sooo many things I loved about going back to the Tri-Cities for the wedding, it was hard to pick just one to write about. I decided in the end to write about what meant the most to me.
For those of you who don't know, from July 2009 through the end of August that year, I lived with a family who took me in from church. My contract was up and I was waiting to hear about a job in Spokane. For a few months I was in limbo. I put everything I owned in storage except for my clothes and Missy and moved in with the Sims family.
Suzanne Sims happens to be one of the most generous people on the planet for taking in a nearly homeless 20 something 2,000 miles from home and her silly dog. It was great to see her so happy at the wedding. She certainly deserves it. It was just as great to see her three wonderful kids. I can't really explain how her kids changed my life, but they certainly made me a better person. I could relate to what they were going through at the time, but I don't think I helped them the way that I should have. I know watching them helped me put into words how I felt during a similar struggle in my own life. I wish I could say I really helped those kids, or that I really meant something to them, but I kinda blew my chance. What I can tell you is I think those three happen to be the best kids on the planet and there isn't a whole lot I wouldn't do for them.
At one point in the night the bridal party was suppose to hit the dance floor together. All three of the kids were in the wedding party so I was trying to get them up there. Before I knew it I was holding a can of Sprite, a McDonald's cub, a sucker, and a bag of candy. I started to laugh. All of a sudden it was like I never moved out! They have no idea how happy it made me to be the person they entrusted with their pop and candy. I love those kids. Every. Single. Day.
For those of you who don't know, from July 2009 through the end of August that year, I lived with a family who took me in from church. My contract was up and I was waiting to hear about a job in Spokane. For a few months I was in limbo. I put everything I owned in storage except for my clothes and Missy and moved in with the Sims family.
Suzanne Sims happens to be one of the most generous people on the planet for taking in a nearly homeless 20 something 2,000 miles from home and her silly dog. It was great to see her so happy at the wedding. She certainly deserves it. It was just as great to see her three wonderful kids. I can't really explain how her kids changed my life, but they certainly made me a better person. I could relate to what they were going through at the time, but I don't think I helped them the way that I should have. I know watching them helped me put into words how I felt during a similar struggle in my own life. I wish I could say I really helped those kids, or that I really meant something to them, but I kinda blew my chance. What I can tell you is I think those three happen to be the best kids on the planet and there isn't a whole lot I wouldn't do for them.
At one point in the night the bridal party was suppose to hit the dance floor together. All three of the kids were in the wedding party so I was trying to get them up there. Before I knew it I was holding a can of Sprite, a McDonald's cub, a sucker, and a bag of candy. I started to laugh. All of a sudden it was like I never moved out! They have no idea how happy it made me to be the person they entrusted with their pop and candy. I love those kids. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I'm back in Kennwick, Washington where I use to live for a couple of years before I made the move to Spokane. This weekend one of my friends is getting married. Amber and I are sisters, but not because we're close like sisthas, more like we share the same parents. When I first moved to the Tri-Cities, I was 2,000 miles from home and very, very alone. What got me through was going to church and the wonderful church family I found. I have a set of Washington State "Parents" and "Grandparents." It is my parents' daughter who is getting married today. This makes me very excited and happy for two reasons.
The first reason is it is so great to be back to see everyone again! It will be great to catch up surrounded by a happy theme. The worst thing is when what brings you back together is a tragedy. The second reason I am so happy and excited is for Amber. It is great to know she is happy and in love. I'm thrilled for her and Zach. It's such an honor to be able to see them share their love for each other in front of friends and family. I'm honored they think of me as such. Today I love LOVE. Every. Single. Day.
The first reason is it is so great to be back to see everyone again! It will be great to catch up surrounded by a happy theme. The worst thing is when what brings you back together is a tragedy. The second reason I am so happy and excited is for Amber. It is great to know she is happy and in love. I'm thrilled for her and Zach. It's such an honor to be able to see them share their love for each other in front of friends and family. I'm honored they think of me as such. Today I love LOVE. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Scary Stuff
I'm in the middle of a tiny cancer scare, not that the type of cancer would be tiny but rather my chances of contracting it are tiny. About this time last year, I found out I have low grade pre-cancerous cells. I don't want to go into a whole lot of details, but basically I'm at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer than your average babe. I need two clean tests in a row to be officially off the cancer track. I got one great test six months ago, and then yesterday the doctor called. She told me abnormal cells where found again and I need to come back in for another test. Then no matter what, I'm back to square one and I need another two tests six months apart to be done with this.
The cancer itself could still be years away, or never come at all. It's just kind of a wait and see thing right now. There isn't anything I can do to prevent it, other than the usual take good care of myself stuff. BUT no matter what the next test shows, I do know right now, right this very second I'm cancer free. It's the only reality I want to deal with, and other than the moments when I'm actually at the doctor's office or talking to the doctor, I don't think about it, minus this blog post of course.
When I do have to think about it, I try to think about it like this: We ALL are at risk of getting cancer. It's one of those scary things. My chances might be slightly higher for a particular kind, but even that isn't like freak out rare. So today, I love LOVE LOVE the fact that I don't have cancer. And I pray for those who do. Every. Single. Day.
The cancer itself could still be years away, or never come at all. It's just kind of a wait and see thing right now. There isn't anything I can do to prevent it, other than the usual take good care of myself stuff. BUT no matter what the next test shows, I do know right now, right this very second I'm cancer free. It's the only reality I want to deal with, and other than the moments when I'm actually at the doctor's office or talking to the doctor, I don't think about it, minus this blog post of course.
When I do have to think about it, I try to think about it like this: We ALL are at risk of getting cancer. It's one of those scary things. My chances might be slightly higher for a particular kind, but even that isn't like freak out rare. So today, I love LOVE LOVE the fact that I don't have cancer. And I pray for those who do. Every. Single. Day.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Senior Moments
I was given the most wonderful opportunity this afternoon to have lunch with a group of senior citizens from church. As part of my Lutheran volunteer form, I marked that I was interested in elderly assistance. The president of the Senior Luncheon group happens to be the same man who sits in front of me in church so he invited me to today's event. It was great to have a wonderful meal and great fellowship at the church. Everyone there has such a wonderful, positive attitude it was hard not to want to be a part of their group, no matter what age you truly are. It was also super cool to pray out loud before and after the meal!
I had the chance to talk with a handful of them personally, and introduce myself to all of them. I was even asked a few questions. The very first question someone asked me was why help them? The answer is pretty simple. Here's what I told her: When I first moved to the Tri-Cities three and a half years ago, it was the older folks in the church who took me in and became my family. It was not people my own age who reached out, it was those who had kids my own age or older. I saw this opportunity of unemployment as my chance to give back.
I've been invited back to meet with them in a few weeks, Maunday Thursday, at the Perry Street Cafe here on Spokane's South Hill. I can't wait to visit with them again. I love the old folks. Every. Single. Day.
I had the chance to talk with a handful of them personally, and introduce myself to all of them. I was even asked a few questions. The very first question someone asked me was why help them? The answer is pretty simple. Here's what I told her: When I first moved to the Tri-Cities three and a half years ago, it was the older folks in the church who took me in and became my family. It was not people my own age who reached out, it was those who had kids my own age or older. I saw this opportunity of unemployment as my chance to give back.
I've been invited back to meet with them in a few weeks, Maunday Thursday, at the Perry Street Cafe here on Spokane's South Hill. I can't wait to visit with them again. I love the old folks. Every. Single. Day.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Here Comes the Sun
Update: yesterday after I posted this, it hailed and I literally had to run through it. Today it also hailed. I learned a valuable lesson, I can't control the weather, I better learn to dance in the hail. :)
This winter has felt like the longest winter in my life, and this is coming from a gal who grew up outside Chicago. It started snowing here in November. We affectionately called it snovember at work and it turned out to be the snowiest November on record. March also hit the record books for one of the wettest ever. Needless to say, I think the high this year has been 48 degrees. It's April.
Yesterday, the sun came out! It peaks its head out every once in a while, but it has yet to stay and it has yet to warm up. So today, I've decided to send the sun some positive vibes. For my sake, for my dogs' sake, and for your sake..... everybody think it together: I love the sun! Every! Single! Day!
This winter has felt like the longest winter in my life, and this is coming from a gal who grew up outside Chicago. It started snowing here in November. We affectionately called it snovember at work and it turned out to be the snowiest November on record. March also hit the record books for one of the wettest ever. Needless to say, I think the high this year has been 48 degrees. It's April.
Yesterday, the sun came out! It peaks its head out every once in a while, but it has yet to stay and it has yet to warm up. So today, I've decided to send the sun some positive vibes. For my sake, for my dogs' sake, and for your sake..... everybody think it together: I love the sun! Every! Single! Day!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A Bump in the Road
Today I went on my first interview since leaving my position more than a week ago. I interviewed for a front desk reception position at the eye care clinic just up the street from where I live. It was only part time, but part time is better than no time. It was one of the places I had randomly walked into with resume in hand that happened to be hiring. I had a great vibe about the place and the people who worked there, it looked like a perfect fit.
Then my interview came. I wasn't nervous, just determined to self myself. The interview before mine ran over, which was a good sign for that gal, but I just kept smiling. The receptionist at the time was the same one I had seen the other two times I went in. This time she asked me about going to Western Illinois University and even had a connection there herself. Many people in Illinois have never heard of the tiny town of Macomb, let along someone from Washington State. A good sign I thought.
The interview was going great, but it seems like one thing was holding me back. They told me I would not be getting the job because of my pursuit for a Master's Degree. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a woman with a Master's in Public Administration probably won't want to end up working at an eye care clinic for the rest of her life. I could give them a good year, but they knew I would be out the door after that and they were looking for someone more long term. I was out of luck. They did have great things to say about me and even mentioned that if it weren't for that, I would be the perfect hire and employee.
I left with a smile anyway, what else can you do? I knew better than to get my hopes to high or else I would be really bummed. I'm still a little bummed though. But this blog is all about the positive side of the world of unemployment. So here it is: Even though it might have been what cost me the job, I still love going to school, being a student, and pursuing my Master's Degree. Every. Single. Day.
Then my interview came. I wasn't nervous, just determined to self myself. The interview before mine ran over, which was a good sign for that gal, but I just kept smiling. The receptionist at the time was the same one I had seen the other two times I went in. This time she asked me about going to Western Illinois University and even had a connection there herself. Many people in Illinois have never heard of the tiny town of Macomb, let along someone from Washington State. A good sign I thought.
The interview was going great, but it seems like one thing was holding me back. They told me I would not be getting the job because of my pursuit for a Master's Degree. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a woman with a Master's in Public Administration probably won't want to end up working at an eye care clinic for the rest of her life. I could give them a good year, but they knew I would be out the door after that and they were looking for someone more long term. I was out of luck. They did have great things to say about me and even mentioned that if it weren't for that, I would be the perfect hire and employee.
I left with a smile anyway, what else can you do? I knew better than to get my hopes to high or else I would be really bummed. I'm still a little bummed though. But this blog is all about the positive side of the world of unemployment. So here it is: Even though it might have been what cost me the job, I still love going to school, being a student, and pursuing my Master's Degree. Every. Single. Day.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Stay at Home Dog Mom
As I kick off unemployment week two, I've decided to give my current status a new title. Instead of telling people I'm unemployed, I'm going to say I'm a stay at home dog mom. For those of you who are just getting to know me, I am the proud dog mom of two puparoos, Missy Mae and Mister. The Missaroo is a three year old Shepard Mix who I affectionately refer to as my pure breed mutt. The newest addition to the family is Mister. He is a one year old Chihuahua mix. They are the loves of my life that you can read all about in my other blog. Not only do I blog about them, but also about our adventures and the trials and tribulations of being a dog mom.
Don't get me wrong, the two of them can drive me absolutely nuts. After all, I am blogging from Starbucks instead of home for a reason. But another major factor in my deciding to quit my job is that the hours were getting too hard for the two of them. Missy has always been a bit of a puker and every time my schedule changed, I'd come home to throw up in her crate. The ten plus hour each weekend day also usually resulted in throw up, especially if I had a less than nine hour turnaround from Friday to Saturday. When Mister entered the family, things became even harder and more gross. He would go in his crate every Sunday night before I came home from work. I felt horrible coming in and seeing my little buddy in a crate surrounded by his own feces. I tried coming home five hours in to my work day to let them out, but it was only enough time for them to pee. I finally couldn't take it anymore. It was heart breaking.
So now I have much more time to spend with my puparoos. I try to leave them for at least four hours a day so they don't completely forget what it's like to be in their crates when I go back into the workforce. But for now, I love being a dog mom. Every. Single. Day.
Don't get me wrong, the two of them can drive me absolutely nuts. After all, I am blogging from Starbucks instead of home for a reason. But another major factor in my deciding to quit my job is that the hours were getting too hard for the two of them. Missy has always been a bit of a puker and every time my schedule changed, I'd come home to throw up in her crate. The ten plus hour each weekend day also usually resulted in throw up, especially if I had a less than nine hour turnaround from Friday to Saturday. When Mister entered the family, things became even harder and more gross. He would go in his crate every Sunday night before I came home from work. I felt horrible coming in and seeing my little buddy in a crate surrounded by his own feces. I tried coming home five hours in to my work day to let them out, but it was only enough time for them to pee. I finally couldn't take it anymore. It was heart breaking.
So now I have much more time to spend with my puparoos. I try to leave them for at least four hours a day so they don't completely forget what it's like to be in their crates when I go back into the workforce. But for now, I love being a dog mom. Every. Single. Day.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday Funday!
Sundays are all about going to church. From a previous post "There's a Form for That" I talk about being Lutheran, which means every Sunday my fanny is in church. It is also one of the biggest factors in my decision to resign my position. I use to work every single Sunday for 10 and a half hours, which means no church. I also missed out on going to church on holidays. I requested to work later shifts on days like Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day just so I could go to church, but of course no go. Last year was the least amount of church services I've ever attended in my life. This year I decided I have to go to church, even if that means quitting my job.
So why is going to church so important to me? Well first and foremost I love the Lord. Secondly, I need the Christian encouragement. I slip up and swear sometimes, I'm quick to anger, slow to love, and too judgmental just to name a few of my many flaws. I need church to help me start fresh every week. I need church to remember God loves me even though I am both sinner and saint. I need church to get me through because I have yet to make friends here and my family is 2,000 miles away. With God nothing is impossible, but without Him there is nothing.
I love and need the Lord. Every. Single. Day.
So why is going to church so important to me? Well first and foremost I love the Lord. Secondly, I need the Christian encouragement. I slip up and swear sometimes, I'm quick to anger, slow to love, and too judgmental just to name a few of my many flaws. I need church to help me start fresh every week. I need church to remember God loves me even though I am both sinner and saint. I need church to get me through because I have yet to make friends here and my family is 2,000 miles away. With God nothing is impossible, but without Him there is nothing.
I love and need the Lord. Every. Single. Day.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Kindness of Strangers
It's been another busy day that included a morning at the gym and another new class. This time I tried my hand, or my whole body rather, at zumba. It was super fun! The best part was I actually met someone my own age who didn't seem like she would simply hate me because some guy didn't! ((long story from my previous life)) Her name is Melissa and she let me zumba next to her. I think we're bffs.
After a quick walk with the dogs, and an even quicker shower, I was off to volunteer training at the Spokane Humane Society. I had never been there before so I looked up the directions via Google maps before heading out the door. It turned out to be one of the few times that Google maps led me astray. I ended up having to pull into a gas station in Hillyard to ask where I went wrong. Often known for being a poor, shady part of town, today nothing could have been further from the truth. Before the guy behind the counter could even offer help, the guy in front of me piped up with, "well where are you actually headed?" I told him and he gave me pin-point directions with a description of what I was looking for! It was more helpful than anything Google could have provided. If it weren't for that guy in front of me, I would have driven right past it at least once, but thanks to him I showed up at exactly 1pm.
I love the kindness of strangers. Every. Single. Day.
After a quick walk with the dogs, and an even quicker shower, I was off to volunteer training at the Spokane Humane Society. I had never been there before so I looked up the directions via Google maps before heading out the door. It turned out to be one of the few times that Google maps led me astray. I ended up having to pull into a gas station in Hillyard to ask where I went wrong. Often known for being a poor, shady part of town, today nothing could have been further from the truth. Before the guy behind the counter could even offer help, the guy in front of me piped up with, "well where are you actually headed?" I told him and he gave me pin-point directions with a description of what I was looking for! It was more helpful than anything Google could have provided. If it weren't for that guy in front of me, I would have driven right past it at least once, but thanks to him I showed up at exactly 1pm.
I love the kindness of strangers. Every. Single. Day.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Funny Girl
I haven't had any trouble keeping busy this week. Staying busy is part of what keeps me positive and motivated. Mostly I've been job searching for several hours a day, walking my dogs, talking to my family, and resting. After that it's been a new adventure everyday.
On Monday, I discovered the downtown library for the first time. My first item to checkout was a DVD of "Funny Girl", because who doesn't love Barbara and a musical on a Monday? Tuesday I started this blog and I've been blogging from one of the Starbucks on the Hill ever since. Wednesday is still my appointment day, which requires a lot of running around. ((I don't wake up and look like this, you know)) Thursday I added going to the gym as part of my everyday routine. And Today I'm having the AARP do my taxes for free. I arrived at the library a half hour early and I'm already 14th in line! Last year I showed up when it started and although I can't remember what number I was, I do know I waited two hours before I got called.
But before I got to the basement of the Spokane Valley library, I went to water aerobics class. Now these babes were a little closer to the Sit and Be Fit crowd I expected yesterday, but they were a hoot and took me into their class with a laugh and a smile. For April Fool's Day, the ladies decided to don funny hats to look like "fools." I of course, being the new gal didn't have one, so someone let me barrow theirs and even put it on for me. There was also a sub teaching the class today, and these feisty old gals and guys ((you can guess which group instigated the following)) decided to prank the other new gal. At 8:40am ((20 minutes before the end of class)) we all started to walk out of the pool. All 30 plus stopped what we were doing and headed for the door. It was pretty funny, and some of us even made it all the way out of the water before turning back around. Our wonderful instructor was in stitches. She had to sit down she was laughing so hard. Participating, in my ball cap, made me feel like one of the crowd even though I was the swan in a gaggle of ducks.
Today my week came full circle. I love being the Funny Girl. Every. Single. Day.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Perks of Unemployment
Who knew there were perks to unemployment? Minus the obvious of course, which would include things like a lot of free time, waking up whenever you want, etc. Instead, I received a perk from the sales manager at Oz Fitness on Spokane's South Hill. I went in there the other day to see if they were hiring for a front desk person. The answer was nope but the sales manager wanted to sit down and chat with me anyway. I filled out an application and as he looked over my resume and we just got to talking. He couldn't believe that I had never been the member of a gym before. So he offered me a perk, or more like a challenge: One month free at Oz, if I wanted. I thanked him but left without taking him up on it.... Then I chatted with Robert.
Robert is my wonderful mailman. He is obsessed with my dog, The Missaroo, and always asks me about her. On Wednesday he asked me if I had just come from the gym ((I was in my sweat pants and just home from getting my nails done)) I said no, I wasn't the gym kinda gal. Turns out Robert also works out at Oz. OK I decided I'm going back in there and asking for my one month free. So I did.
Today, on unemployment day four I hit the gym at 8am. I took a class, senior fitness ((yes as in senior citizen)) but these gals were a far cry from the Sit and Be Fit crown. I had so much fun with them, you bet I'll be back on Tuesday. But before then, I'm hoping to hit the gym again tomorrow in another class. Who knew I'd ever be one of those gals who "goes to the gym"? Sure, one of my main motivations might be that I was told it is a great place to network, but I really did have a good time too!
Today I learned that I love going to the gym, Every. Single. Day. ((for now))
Robert is my wonderful mailman. He is obsessed with my dog, The Missaroo, and always asks me about her. On Wednesday he asked me if I had just come from the gym ((I was in my sweat pants and just home from getting my nails done)) I said no, I wasn't the gym kinda gal. Turns out Robert also works out at Oz. OK I decided I'm going back in there and asking for my one month free. So I did.
Today, on unemployment day four I hit the gym at 8am. I took a class, senior fitness ((yes as in senior citizen)) but these gals were a far cry from the Sit and Be Fit crown. I had so much fun with them, you bet I'll be back on Tuesday. But before then, I'm hoping to hit the gym again tomorrow in another class. Who knew I'd ever be one of those gals who "goes to the gym"? Sure, one of my main motivations might be that I was told it is a great place to network, but I really did have a good time too!
Today I learned that I love going to the gym, Every. Single. Day. ((for now))
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
There's a Form for That
I'm so Lutheran it's a little bit nutty. I'm a much better Lutheran than I am a Christian ((something I'm working on)). I went to Lutheran School for nine years and have attended Lutheran Church my entire life. Martin Luther is kinda a hero of mine and I can go toe to toe on Lutheran doctrine with the best of them. I would make my German Lutheran grandmother proud. I still remember the day she told me, "You know, Catholics are more like us than I thought." My grandmother thought to be a good Lutheran meant you had to be anti-catholic ((because that's the Christian thing to do right?)) See what I mean about being a good Lutheran instead of a good Christian?
OK so where am I going with this? If there's one thing us Lutherans enjoy it's a good form to fill out. We have a form for everything. So when I showed up at the church office on unemployment day three and asked if there was anything I could do to volunteer my time I should not have been surprised when the church secretary handed me a form to fill out. She went over a bunch of things that could use help and by the end of our conversation I was signed up to fold bulletins on Friday afternoon. There is nothing more Lutheran than silently folding church bulletins, it's right up there with our forms. You can't have church with out an order of service, and how are you suppose to know what order things go in without a properly folded bulletin?
Today I remembered how much I love being Lutheran. Every. Single. Day.
OK so where am I going with this? If there's one thing us Lutherans enjoy it's a good form to fill out. We have a form for everything. So when I showed up at the church office on unemployment day three and asked if there was anything I could do to volunteer my time I should not have been surprised when the church secretary handed me a form to fill out. She went over a bunch of things that could use help and by the end of our conversation I was signed up to fold bulletins on Friday afternoon. There is nothing more Lutheran than silently folding church bulletins, it's right up there with our forms. You can't have church with out an order of service, and how are you suppose to know what order things go in without a properly folded bulletin?
Today I remembered how much I love being Lutheran. Every. Single. Day.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Starting Over
At 25, I'm starting over. Well starting from scratch is more like it. Friday was my last day as a news producer and on Monday I started my job search. Well, that's not entirely true. My job search started weeks before when I put in my notice. Monday I started whoring myself out there, and I mean that in the best way. I took my resumes, my smile, and a positive attitude and starting walking into places asking if they were hiring and if I could drop off my resume. Five hours later, I was pooped but felt amazing. Welcome to day two.
Day two was more of the same, but with even better results. I met someone with the same Kate Spade glasses frames ((love her!)) and someone who shares my love of shelter dogs. ((Awesome!)) So that's what this little blog is all about. I'm chronically my new found life of being unemployed and searching for the positive side of life, even on a rainy day in Spokane.
Now, this isn't to say I have nothing going for me. On the contrary, I'm half way through my Master's degree in Public Administration, dog mom to two wonderful puparoos, lovely daughter to two wonderful parents, cousin, sister, and niece to tons of family and so much more that you'll soon discover as we get to know each other. I'm also no stranger to the blog world. I started a blog more than a year a half ago. For all of you pet parents out there check us out here. I hope to brighten someone's day everyday, and at the very least for everyone who's wanted to walk away from their job but never would, you can live vicariously through me. Ah to be young, right? So let's go!
Day two was more of the same, but with even better results. I met someone with the same Kate Spade glasses frames ((love her!)) and someone who shares my love of shelter dogs. ((Awesome!)) So that's what this little blog is all about. I'm chronically my new found life of being unemployed and searching for the positive side of life, even on a rainy day in Spokane.
Now, this isn't to say I have nothing going for me. On the contrary, I'm half way through my Master's degree in Public Administration, dog mom to two wonderful puparoos, lovely daughter to two wonderful parents, cousin, sister, and niece to tons of family and so much more that you'll soon discover as we get to know each other. I'm also no stranger to the blog world. I started a blog more than a year a half ago. For all of you pet parents out there check us out here. I hope to brighten someone's day everyday, and at the very least for everyone who's wanted to walk away from their job but never would, you can live vicariously through me. Ah to be young, right? So let's go!
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